Pet Counselor (Sales & Customer Service Position) - My Next Puppy

Pet Counselor (Sales & Customer Service Position)

Pet Counselor (Sales & Customer Service Position)

Chantilly, VA  |  Part-time

Job Requirements:

  • Extensive knowledge of different dog breeds including temperament, grooming needs, and activity level.
  • Willingness to get your hands dirty with animal feces, urine, and odor at times.
  • Ability to work under sales pressures and customer pressures.
  • Ability to work in a team atmosphere.
  • Willingness to be managed and sometimes micromanaged for performance evaluations and sales outcomes.
  • At least 2 years of experience holding a sales position.

*Previous experience in sales positions that were not incentivized (tip, bonus, commission) and only paid hourly are not considered adequate sales experience for this application.

  • At least 2 years of experience in a customer service position.
  • Good communication skills, MUST be a “people-person.”
  • High School diploma (minimum). College degree is a plus.

Job Description:

Pet Counselors are the primary customer service providers at My Next Puppy. They handle inquires by customers through various means: in-store, phone and web inquires. Questions pertain to traits and characteristics of different breeds. Pet Counselors are also in charge of conducting sales and explaining company policies to customers.

  • Compensation based on work experience. Expect to be promoted for how hard you work to managerial positions.
  • Possibility to be promoted to Sales Supervisor or other high managerial positions internally and full-time employment includes health, vision and dental insurance.
  • Paid time off, un-paid time off, sick days and more for higher positions within company.
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